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The Order of the Eastern Star was designed to serve among women the same purpose as that of Free Masonry among men, and to provide the Free Masons with cooperation of women kindred without accepting them into the Lodge. The principles of the Order fidelity, obedience, loyalty, truth and heroic endurance personified by five stories of women taken from the Bible; Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha & Electa.


Dorothy Riley #189 is a chapter of the religious fraternal society of International Free and Accepted Modern Masons, Inc. and Order of The Eastern Star.  As members of the Order of the Eastern Star, this sisterhood of women stand on the firm foundation of Faith, Hope, and Charity.  Our chapter is comprised of dedicated members who give of themselves freely toward community service and charitable works within the both the masonic community and Metro Detroit. It is our goal is to be of service to those in need, uplift our fellow brothers and sisters and welcome new women to our illustrious order.

The purpose of Dorothy Riley # 189 is to be women of character; defining faithfulness, constancy, power, loveliness and a burning enthusiasm. Doing work through charitable duties and giving knowledge to those who seek it.


  • DATE REORGANIZED: April 2004

  • MEMBERSHIP: 99 Rostered Members

  • DISTRICT: 1 (Detroit, MI)


  • MEETING DATE: 2nd Sunday

  • MEETING LOCATION: Southfield, MI

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