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Blue Smoke

Chapter History

You must be Divine to be a FABulous Sister of DR189,  and we will undoubtedly continue to SHINE! It would do you well to go forth with our story to tell and refrain from negative talk about us, but do your best to get like us!! If you find yourself not quite up to par, perhaps you should emulate the GREATNESS of an Eastern Star!! ~Sister Lynnetta R. Smith

This Chapter is named in honor of the late Princess Dorothy Riley.  She is a source of wisdom and guidance.  We look to her as an exceptional example of a "Shining Star", and hope that our efforts as Eastern Stars within this Chapter reflect her unending devotion to this great organization.


Dorothy Riley Chapter #189 was reorganized in the Spring of 2004 in District 1 of Michigan (Detroit, MI) under the leadership Past District Matron, Sis. Evelyn Dubose, and Past Grand Matron, Sis. Viola Edwards.  Eight women; Sister Margo A. Maxwell, Sister Lynnetta R. Smith, Sister ReShanna Ash, Sister Blair Tucker-Gruchala, Sister Ivory Mays, Sister Nicole Bentley, Sister Aida-Kai Johnson, & Sister Stacia Collins envisioned a Chapter of many accomplishments and that would be a grand embodiment of the principles of the Order of Eastern Star. 


From its humble beginnings, in the first  visioning meeting at a dining table in the home of Sister Margo Maxwell came a vision of Sisterhood which we continue to emulate today.  Considered one of the great chapters in the State of Michigan and beyond, Dorothy Riley Chapter #189 loving known as DR189 to its membership, will continue to grow and flourish with great Sisterhood and Leadership

2025@ Dorothy Riley Chapter #189 Proudly created with

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